Have You Wondered When Is A Special Needs Trust Needed?
A special needs trust is needed if your child with a disability is expected to be able to collect Supplemental Security Income, SSI, or some other government benefits, which could include Medicaid, SNAP, or housing benefits, when they become an adult. This would be because your child is unlikely to be able to support themselves by working independently. If you think this is a possibility, and you have assets you would like to leave your child when you die, you should have a Special Needs Trust.
What Is A Special Needs trust?
Benefits of a special needs trust
Need Information About Special Needs Trusts?
I am Tom Sannicandro, a Special Needs Trust Attorney and I am here to help. I am the founder of a nonprofit corporation that provides quality information about resources available to families as well as providing affordable Special Needs Trusts and estate planning for families. I have over 20 years of experience helping families just like yours. Find out more information at SpecialNeedsTrustsOnline.com or click here to set up a free appointment